
Hello! Welcome to my blog! It is a blog about astronomy, I hope you will enjoy my posts! And if you have any suggestions about my content or just want to chat with me, you can leave your words by comments or C-box down the right hand side!
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Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Smile of Night Sky!

Special and funny "smile of night sky"!

photo source: Taipei Astronomical Museum

If you went out last night, about 18:00, you could see this gorgeous astromical phenomenon!

The "left eye", which was the brightest star, is Venus. And, the "right eye", is Jupiter. But if you didn't see it at last night, you can't see it on today anymore. Because the planets will move, that is, today we will see that smile face become a face of "Bao Cing Tian "(who was the famous official in Sung Dynasty). We called that because the "curve lips"(Waxing Crescent moon) turn to a mark on the forehead, which Bao Cing Tian had it on his forehead.

Also, I want to introduce a website:

Taipei Astronomical Muesum http://www.tam.gov.tw/

It has many information about astronomy inside, for example, special astronomical phenomena, activities and plenty knowledge about astronomy.

If you want to get more about astronomy, it can helps you!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Important Astronomical Phenomenon (10/26)

The conjunction between Venus and Antares (α Scorpii / Alpha Scorpii) will happening at Oct.26, 8:00 p.m. We can find it on the southwestern sky, and just wait the sun down beneath the horizon.

"Conjunction" is a term used in positional astronomy and astrology. It means that, as seen from some place (usually the Earth), two celestial bodies appear near one another in the sky.

I think it's very worth to see because we can see it just with our naked eye. Venus and Antares are very shining stars. They are easy to be find,and just find some friends who knows about the night sky then you will find these two gorgeous stars!